
Música Índia - Wuaauquikuna a música índia relaxante que vem da América do Sul!

WUAUQUIKUNA - "Buffalo white"
Wuauquikuna - "Toro Ara"

Wuauquikuna - "Kallaryk"

Wuauquikuna - "The Song Of The Sun"
Wuauquikuna - "Free Spirit"

Wuauquikuna - "Puyumuyumuhan"
Wuauquikuna - "Casamiento"
Wuauquikuna - "Pastor Solitario"

Wuauquikuna - "The Lonely Shepherd"



North and South American indian music and instruments come together in these beautiful contemporary CDs. Wuauquikuna are a group of indigenous musicians who celebrate the similarities of the northern and southern cultures in their music: shared beliefs about love and Mother Earth (Pachamama); rituals and ceremonies with similar meanings; and a shared religious, cultural and magical importance of music and dance in both cultures.

Centuries ago, the ancestors foretold of the dawn of a better future time when the eagle of North America and the condor of South American would one day fly together again. Wuauquikuna's music, a delightful fusion of the two cultures with native and present day instruments, is part of that » in http://www.spirit-trails.com/wuauquikuna.php

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